Do you supervise people virtually? It can be more challenging to build connections with people afar (especially during a pandemic!), but it can be done! I managed people in 6 different offices for 13 years, long before the pandemic sent us all home with our laptops.
Here are some communication tips to boost employee engagement and bolster your leadership abilities.
Set up regular (weekly or biweekly) connection calls just to check in. These should be flexible, depending on impending deadlines...but if you are the boss, make sure you cancel or postpone these meetings less often than your employee does! It's not cool for the boss to be always cancelling meetings with you.
Send birthday cards or find other ways to celebrate your employees' birthdays.-Send service anniversary cards on the anniversary they started with the company, and specify clearly WHY you appreciate them.
Tell your team that you always want to hear good news about them. Encourage internal clients to send kudos emails when someone on the team has done a good job, and ask them to copy you so you can make a note of the accomplishment.
Be kind, respectful, and interested in your employee's work and, if appropriate, family life or outside interests. Take time to get to know them.
Be honest and open about any challenges. Build trust.
Can you use some help with your writing, editing, communications, or marketing? Contact me for a free 30-minute consultation. With 30 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry, I am passionate about sustainability and corporate citizenship, equity & inclusion, businesses that use their power for good, and doing everything I can to create a kinder, more sustainable, and just world. We help organizations and people discover what makes them special and help them share that with the world.
Fertile Ground Communications LLC is a certified women-owned business enterprise, disadvantaged business enterprise, and emerging small business.