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193 items found for ""What I learned at Holden""

  • Aaliyah Nitoto, Free Range Flower Winery: Protecting the planet and giving back to her community by

    Next week on the Finding Fertile Ground podcast, I interview Julie Allen, who I interviewed for Companies Julie and I do a deep dive on her experiences battling eating disorders for much of her life. I alternate the Companies That Care podcast with my original podcast, Finding Fertile Ground, which shares On both my podcasts I strive to highlight voices from historically excluded populations, people who don't As a podcaster for justice, I stand with my sisters from the Women of Color Podcasters Community.

  • Jon Roesser, Weavers Way Co-op: Growing the cooperative community in Philadelphia

    Next week on the Finding Fertile Ground podcast, I interview Mahlena-Rae Johnson, a Black woman and mom I alternate the Companies That Care podcast with my original podcast, Finding Fertile Ground, which shares On both my podcasts I strive to highlight voices from historically excluded populations, people who don't As a podcaster for justice, I stand with my sisters from the Women of Color Podcasters Community.

  • How One Employee Eliminated Bottled Water in the Workplace

    I wrote this article in 2017 while working as communications manager for environmental consulting firm “I realized we can’t change how people feel, but we can change some of their actions.” “It comes down to this: what kind of footprint are we planning to leave behind?” asked Deborah. When it requires people to change their personal behavior, I recommend making your communications inspiring corporate citizenship, equity & inclusion, businesses that use their power for good, and doing everything I

  • Barbie Liss: Healing through restorative justice and reclaiming her wise woman archetype

    This week on the Finding Fertile Ground podcast, I interviewed Barbie Liss from Toronto, Canada. I’d never heard about restorative justice before, so I was fascinated by Barbie’s story and how it helped As a podcaster for justice, I stand with my sisters from the Women of Color Podcasters Community.

  • Hearing Voices from the Margins

    What are you doing here?” Sarah has found Americans to be welcoming and kind, but she faced many initial difficulties learning Becoming a US citizen in 2015, she still wasn’t sure what it meant to be an American. Be their advocate, and remind others what they’ve gone through. Help create welcoming spaces. Now Olive proudly wears her country’s attire, and she understands what it is to be an American because

  • Finding Fertile Ground Podcast: Fierce Fighter Skye Leybold

    I met Skye Leybold when we served on the Jackson Middle School Choir Booster Board together. I asked Skye how she became so strong, and she shared that she didn’t grow up in a loving home. “I didn’t want something as stupid as cancer to change their lives drastically,” says Skye. “I didn’t want to die and have it be this huge thing." "I wanted to see my kids get through high school and until recently, I didn’t dare dream beyond that.

  • Don't be a racist on Halloween: A primer on cultural appropriation for white people

    matters In my view, if a costume (or hairstyle or accessory) offends someone as cultural appropriation, I As a white person, I believe it’s my responsibility to show respect and listen to people when they say

  • Lily Shaw: Calling Sandra Bullock! Lily’s in the house!

    This week on the Finding Fertile Ground podcast, I interview Lily Shaw, a powerhouse actress, an expert Next week on the Companies That Care podcast, I interview Ross Ching of Mama and Happa’s Zero Waste Shop As a podcaster for justice, I stand with my sisters from the Women of Color Podcasters Community.

  • Julie Allen: Using her battle with eating disorders to inspire others and dismantle diet culture

    I had the honor of interviewing Julie earlier this year for my Companies That Care podcast. As a podcaster for justice, I stand with my sisters from the Women of Color Podcasters Community.

  • Getting the Most out of Email

    Granted, most project-specific e-mail is necessary but much of what we read is not…and research shows If there is a disagreement or misunderstanding, say “I think there’s been a misunderstanding” and try Be clear about what you would like the recipient to do with the information in your “Subject” line.

  • How to avoid ticking off your clients: don't use their logos without permission

    (I found it hard to keep people from doing this all the time, but it takes just ONE rejection to get

  • Avoid fines and embarrassment by respecting intellectual property

    How can I avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement?

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