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193 items found for ""What I learned at Holden""

  • Paula Dunn: Once bullied for her cleft lip, now helping teens become resilient

    This week on the Finding Fertile Ground podcast, I interview Paula Dunn, who was born with a bilateral Now she has found her fertile ground by applying what she learned in her life by working with teenage Next week on the Companies That Care podcast, I interview Heather Younger, a best-selling author, international speaker, consultant, adjunct organizational leadership professor, and facilitator who has earned her As a podcaster for justice, I stand with my sisters from the Women of Color Podcasters Community.

  • The Complexity of Queen Elizabeth

    My American history education was sorely lacking in learning about colonization and white supremacy. LinkedIn: “The hard part of honoring the dead is that your legacy is different to different people…What We can express sympathy to the Queen’s family while also recognizing what was done in her name. But I know that it’s real, and I don’t discredit that. He went on, What I also know is that somewhere many children are going to bed hungry because the possibility

  • Ash Prasad: The Inclusive Screenwriter

    Ash used what she learned as the basis for her first of her three master’s degrees. “I also learned about the Sepoys, soldiers who were fighting for the British in World War I and also Johns, as I shared with Ash. You can learn more here. Learning this history set her path to becoming a screenwriter. What can I do for you to feel safe in this environment?

  • Taking Care of Yourself During This Pandemic

    As an extrovert and a 7 on the Enneagram, I find that every day I get outside is a much better day. I am learning how to take care of my mental health during this coronavirus pandemic. I made rosemary garlic bread in a cast iron pan. And for the first time ever, I made black beans from dried beans, which I turned into a tortilla pie, am gradually learning tactics for maintaining my mental health.

  • Fight Writer's Block and Produce Killer Content with Four Easy Strategies

    They are highly accomplished in what they do, but most of them are not crazy about writing. The writing process helps me understand what I know. Use a conversational style and explain what’s involved in simple terms. If they won't know what a "storm event" or "combined sewer overflow" is, explain it to them in simple terms (those are two of the first jargon terms I learned when I first became a technical editor, editing

  • Grief and Mourning in the Time of COVID-19

    I learned how critical it is to grieve, mourn, and remember, for our own spiritual and personal health Gertrude’s sits like a stone castle erected near what the Nimiipuu, the Nez Perce Tribe, refers to as I learned some things, that spring. We need gatherings, shared songs, and stories. I have a relative, for example, who suffered what he would call many “shameful” losses in his young adulthood As I learned in the lap of the sisters of Cottonwood, I have the capacity, no the tendency, to just get

  • My Story: Resilience Is My Life's Motto

    What I didn’t know then was that he was essentially a cleft palate rock star. I loved that job! I had just been offered the job in February when I learned I was pregnant. I share on the podcast what happened and how I started Fertile Ground Communications. I felt like I had golden handcuffs because I was earning a good salary. That's what I tried to do in this episode.

  • Kim Malek, Salt & Straw Ice Cream: Building community through handcrafted ice cream

    I was there when we went public, and I had all kinds of incredible experiences there.” One Yelp reviewer described Salt & Straw as: “This is what happens when a mad scientist on LSD meets I really loved the creativity of food and flavor work we were doing at Starbucks, and I thought ice cream And they even get to come in the store and see like how it's marketed and learn about the whole business You can learn about this stuff in an unusual way.”

  • Happy birthday Oregon? Our state's problematic history

    I received an email from Oregon Public Broadcasting the other day with a story about Oregon's centennial Stolen from the tribes As a child, I learned about the Oregon Trail and the “founding” of Oregon in 1859 I learned about Lewis & Clark and how a Shoshone woman, Sacajawea, led them on their journey between I have always loved living in Oregon. But I feel deeply ambivalent about it. I don’t feel like celebrating Oregon’s “birthday” today. How about you?

  • Leader and Connector, Charles Jackson II

    about police reform based on his study of criminal justice, interest in becoming a police officer, and what he’s learned in the military and business world. ..and adapted to what was taught to that we can actually start the change and see people differently I asked Charles what he wished people understood about him. We help organizations and people discover what makes them special and help them share that with the world

  • Seven Ways to Power Up Your Killer Content

    Are they going to know what you are talking about? They are actually not reader friendly at all because your first goal is for your readers to understand what When I edit or write a long document with a lot of acronyms, I keep a style sheet to keep track of the specific examples to illustrate your points whenever necessary For example, “Susanna Lee wanted to learn Our free child care and preschool programs made it possible for Susanna to attend classes to learn how

  • Joy Fowler: Surviving the loss of a child and becoming “just” Joy

    ...but I never really knew what that was. “I use a lot of what I need to fuel what happens at the port. would ever learn.” One of the things I learned is that I will not cover any more, because it can affect your health...and I will never put myself into that situation again, so I did learn something from that.”

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