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193 items found for ""What I learned at Holden""

  • Don’t Let BLMwashing Become the New Greenwashing

    What do its former employees have to gain by lying about this tactic? What Is BLMwashing? “The security team learned that a bag was taken,” wrote Bethea. I’ve been fortunate to learn from some great clients in my first year of business as I think about my I’ve read many books and watched many films about racial justice, but I am always needing to learn more What will you do to keep the movement going?

  • Are You Thriving at Work?

    He stayed in the NICU for 117 days, and we learned to appreciate life and our supportive community. Finding Fertile Ground When I began thinking about what kind of environment I wanted in my next chapter birthday, and learned that his life was about to change dramatically. Do they actually walk their talk (what they tout on their website or mission and values)? "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Don't waste it!

  • Melissa Pierce: Sharing lessons from becoming a widow and single parent in her 40s

    If you like what you hear or read, visit my Fertile Ground Communications page on Patreon and find out Now Melissa’s sons are grown and she’s using what she has learned to help other widows. She has written a book about what she learned, Filled with Gold, and has a subscription box for widows I can’t wait to visit again and I can’t wait for you to hear this interview! We help organizations and people discover what makes them special and help them share that with the world

  • Six Secrets to Building a Thriving Virtual Company

    Leber IP Law has been a fantastic first major client for me, because I’ve learned how I want my own company I enjoyed collecting their fun photos and describing what they do in their spare time. operations, a vibrant online presence draws in clients and potential new employees, letting them know what group for 13 years, I learned that not every person is well suited for remote work. They would be wise to look to companies like Leber IP Law to learn how they too can thrive as virtual

  • Best books of 2022

    the hearing to determine what it means to be deaf? “What women can do when given a task! “My monolithic expectation of what a woman’s body was supposed to look like had no bearing on what actually I never became the woman I imagined. And what was I expecting?” My mother-in-law's family escaped the Russian revolution, so I was driven to learn more about this story

  • Tal Zlotnitsky and Tonya Coppin-Fox, Our.Love: A new app empowering people to love more and better

    That’s what the co-founders of Our.Love envision for the world. So I was a champion. I jumped on early…let's do this thing.” I’ve been married 32 years this June, and I know we can all benefit from learning how to love better. for what makes America great…In my experience, it's the goodness of its people, the goodness of its Part of what got Tonya excited about Our.Love is that Black and brown folks are less likely to seek out

  • Ten Ways to Be an Unleavable Leader

    Ask them about their family and hobbies, and what they like to do in their spare time. Get out of the office and learn what floats their boats. 3. Use your power for good Meet with each of your employees one on one regularly to learn their strengths what I appreciated about them and thanking them for their service. What was their superpower? Could your team use a leadership boost?

  • Serving and Advocating for Those Without a Voice: Annette Stixrud

    I needed to learn more because I was scared to death the whole time that something would happen to them I learned a lot more about people’s spirituality by listening to their questions about God. “I know I became far more informed about what Hindus believe, and there were so many similarities. I really appreciated what I learned.” I think about what that must do to children. Children are resilient.

  • Our Table Cooperative: Creating a Resilient and Interdependent Local Food Culture

    of local community scale food system could be like, and experiment with it and try it out and learn He hopes others will be inspired to learn from their mistakes so they can make their own. (If you’d like to learn more about the Sikh religion, listen to my interview with Jasnam Daya Singh.) I asked Narendra what lessons they can pass on to others who’d like to replicate what Our Table is doing Listen to the podcast to learn Narendra’s ideal meal, how he was raised to view food as he grew up in

  • How my podcast guests are like octopus

    If you like what you hear or read, visit my Fertile Ground Communications website. She landed her dream job in her dream city – now director of monitoring, evaluation, and learning at I learned her mom had died when she was a child…and later Jackie’s son died as well. Last week she even dedicated a song to me at one of her shows, “What a Wonderful World.” We help organizations and people discover what makes them special and help them share that with the world

  • Protect Your Health and the Planet: Eat Less Meat

    In April I was diagnosed with prediabetes. I read an excellent science-based book called Mastering Diabetes, and I was on my way! feet of forested land 22 pounds of carbon dioxide The life of one animal Imagine the impact if you ate What small changes can you make? Six months later, I feel healthier. I lost much of the weight I had gained since childbearing and menopause.

  • Don’t Say “Happy Yom Kippur” and How to Create an Inclusive Calendar

    ,” without knowing that Yom Kippur is actually a somber Jewish holiday (read more about it here and learn what you should say instead). Learn how to support employees who are fasting. supportive conversations…so make sure to train your leaders in how to have these conversations (and what I translate technical, complex, and lackluster language into accessible, dynamic, story-driven text.

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