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193 items found for ""What I learned at Holden""

  • Five Things Not to Do on Social Media

    Learn from New Mexico coffee shop owner Michael Palombo, who went on an anti-Semitic rant against his Learn how to lock down your profile so that people outside of your friend group cannot see your posts I was shocked to read all manner of racist commentary, laid out clearly for the world to see. What’s my personal brand? Consider what you do well and what you have to offer to the world. Put it into words.

  • Eight ways to inspire inclusion of girls and women through your communications

    That’s the theme of the 2024 International Women’s Day, and I am here for it! Listen and learn Take the time to listen to women's experiences and perspectives. I help purpose-driven professional services firms and organizations avoid BORING and boost employee engagement I translate technical, complex, and lackluster language into accessible, dynamic, story-driven text.

  • Melissa Jenkins Mangili: Neuropsychologist reinvented as a model

    and doing everything that we could to contribute to that common mission…we became very close and we learnedI think it is radical to step in front of a camera and do it as yourself, not with artificial enhancements Please drop me a line at or on social media to let us know what I translate technical, complex, and lackluster language into accessible, dynamic, story-driven text. As a podcaster for justice, I stand with my sisters from the Women of Color Podcasters Community.

  • Brigitte Ayoub: Growing up Palestinian-American, surviving loss, and thriving

    If you like what you hear today, visit my Fertile Ground Communications page on Patreon and find out has brought on the most diverse group of individuals, which is obviously what the country needs right I asked Brigitte what she finds most gratifying about being an entrepreneur. “At the end of the day, it really comes down to being energetically aligned and what's going to set your this country, she raised us and went back into the workforce…but obviously, most recently when my mom learned

  • Murielle Fellous: Single mom doing it all

    If you like what you hear or read, visit my Fertile Ground Communications page on Patreon and find out Murielle learned to be more direct and less proper, preparing her for what she would have to face as The first step in healing is acknowledging what is and seeing what needs to change.” So I had to learn to negotiate that and to build some access to my inner wisdom and some trust in myself I asked Murielle what advice she has for single moms with teens. “Don't take things personally.

  • Christine Cariño: Consciously Thriving as a Queer, Nonbinary Filipino

    I was attracted to my best friend, and I didn't know what it was because no one explained it to me. I asked her about what it’s like being a Filipino immigrant. She admits it’s been difficult, but she also has had to unlearn anti-Blackness and colorism that she learnedWhat did we do? What bathroom did we use? What were some of the laws against us?” Learning her mom’s story and what she overcame gave her the understanding, appreciation, and forgiveness

  • Naama Barnea-Goraly of Girltelligence: Creating an app to support young women

    If you like what you hear or read, visit my Fertile Ground Communications page on Patreon and find out Naama wanted to use what she’d learned to empower young women. I’m so excited to share this app with all the young women I know! Next week I interview Lisa Marie Simmons on the Finding Fertile Ground podcast. We help organizations and people discover what makes them special and help them share that with the world

  • Three Reasons Why you should always start with a story

    I don't remember being scared about staying in the hospital alone. All I remember is my two new books. This is my earliest memory. That's what stories do. Your audience is more likely to retain what you say.  She came up with a wonderful story that demonstrated how she works and what she values.

  • CH2M Foundation: Corporate philanthropy that makes a difference in the world

    She went to thank Western Union for a donation and learned they were looking for someone who spoke Spanish Listen to the podcast to learn how they overcame stumbling blocks and persuaded people that this was Ellen said, “I think the biggest challenge was teaching people how to say what we stand for. I asked them what advice they would have for others who want to create companies that care. Elisa said, “First of all, learn about your business. How does your business make money?

  • Lisa Schroeder of Mother’s Bistro: Portland’s Jewish Mother of Mother’s!

    What I didn’t know, though, is the way she runs her company and serves her community like she is everyone I asked Lisa what advice she has for people who want to create companies that are. learned a lot from COVID. We've learned to slow down a bit.” Next week I interview Wendy Horng Brawer, founder and chief learning officer of In Tune Collective.

  • Cover letters that wow

    As I wrote in Lesson 1, it's not about you. I advise approaching it this way: 1.        Start with WHY Open by pointing out what you admire about Company ABC and your understanding of the project What makes you more qualified than your competitors? 4.        Keep it to one page I know this is hard. But less is more. Use a professional writer It’s hard to toot your own horn or think through what makes you different from

  • Eight ways to root out sexism from your writing

    After all, what if your client is like me and flings your document or email into the slush pile after My friend Ash commented, "I learned years ago to put feminine descriptions first, 'women and men...' "I learned from a friend that 'gal' is a term used like 'boy' to describe an African-American female. If someone says “ladies and gentlemen,” it’s less offensive to me personally, but now I will ask, “what I also appreciate the cultural context brought up here." What am I missing here?

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