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193 items found for ""What I learned at Holden""

  • Jasnam Daya Singh: Wearing a turban and composing music for justice

    been about learning about myself and human relationships.” I asked him what he wished people understood about him: “I wish they understood what a turban stands I asked Jasnam what he’s been reading and watching lately, and he was the fourth or fifth of my podcast We also discovered a shared fascination with time travel, and I learned that Neal DeGrasse Tyson is another I was curious to hear what kinds of music Jasnam listens to when he’s not composing his own.

  • David Brackett, Linguava: Providing Health Equity through Language Access

    David shared how he first became interested in languages, when his grandma gave him cassettes to learn No matter what language you speak, no matter where you're at in your patient journey, we want to make If you like what you hear or read, wander through my website to find out more about my work. We help organizations and people discover what makes them special and help them share that with the world As a podcaster for justice, I stand with my sisters from the Women of Color Podcasters Community.

  • Ten Ways White People Can Support Black Coworkers

    That’s what I’m focusing on as I watch the protests and riots in the aftermath of the most recent Black and killed by police officers), and I shared what I had learned. she had learned. But we are never going to learn if we don’t talk about it. Silence equals complicity. Compare that to what I experienced at my previous employer.

  • Finding Healing in the Forest: Katrina Nilsson-Gorman

    Katrina did an internship to learn Reiki, which rocked her world and opened up a new door for her. as a single woman, and she had to learn how to grow a backbone. Although I too learned to set boundaries to protect myself in Japan, in India I had a huge amount of “I felt what I was so hungry for all those years, and that was connection. I am wowed by all Katrina has experienced in her three decades and what a spirit- and joy-filled presence

  • It’s Not About You:Writing Winning Proposals, Lesson 1

    Most engineers don’t learn how to sell in engineering school, so who can blame them? I help professional services firms avoid BORING and boost employee engagement, productivity, and readership I translate technical, complex, and lackluster language into accessible, dynamic, story-driven text.

  • Let's rethink "native"

    I received some pushback when I asked people to consider rethinking darkness and black when they are Like many words in what is now the dominant language, it can have its meaning and also the understanding of what it means. For example, is a person born in what is now known as the USA a native American? , CEO of Donaldson Consulting LLC and Cowlitz Indian Tribe Citizen “Robin Wall Kimmerer talks about what

  • Surviving PTSD with Love, Warmth, and Resilience: Stephanie Coren

    So I learned how to be a patient, a collaborator with my health care people.” whether I’d get what I needed from people.” “I needed to get back into the gospel and see what I thought about all of that. I asked Steph what would she tell her 18-year-old self. “I was so afraid of losing what I had, but I’ve learned it’s okay to have lost what I have lost, and

  • Daivati Bharadvaj, Dancing for Both Countries

    learning so much every day, right. And we're still relearning or changing what we learned. I learned to say, you know, poopy words in different languages. I don't know what I did. I don't remember if I danced or what? So I wanted to be like John Coltrane and I decided that I wanted to learn to play saxophone.

  • Raina Casey, Death Doula and Survivor

    wanted to learn about her experience as a death doula. I first learned of death doulas a few months ago when I met my friend Amira Stanley, who has a calling What are the chances? “I can really look them in the eye and know what it feels like when doctors give up, insurance runs out Raina and I also spoke about what it’s like to be a Black woman in Oregon and in the cannabis business

  • How Not to Pander During Black History Month*

    (A Lesson for BLMWashers) In an article I wrote last June after the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna I know how to make things look better than they actually are. I know how the system works and what powers companies' messaging. But do that in a safe way where they feel comfortable sharing what’s really going on behind the scenes Martin Luther King Jr. or photos of Ruby Bridges, we who are white need to take the time to learn the

  • Word of the Year

    How I choose my word: I mull on it for a few days and see what comes to me. What went well and not so great last year? What do I want more of in my life next year? What is calling to me? Instead, I use it to inspire my life. What’s next? In 2022, in addition to discarding what didn’t serve me, I set on a path of taking care of my physical

  • Mx. Harris Eddie Hill: Celebrating the joys of trans and gender identity

    Harris is an incredible resource for learning how to support transgender and nonbinary loved ones. Even before they knew what transgender meant, they would ask themselves, “am I a boy?” Harris has created an incredible gift for people to learn about trans and nonbinary identity and inclusion I’ve been learning about these issues for several years now, but I found it incredibly helpful. If you enjoyed this interview and would like to learn more about trans issues, I'd recommend this episode

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